Samus gets a new outfit in Super Smash Bros. and oh boy


Based on the Game Boy Advance games

The latest update from Super Smash Bros boss Sakurai details Samus and her new outfits. Blue and orange shorts and a small top, both of which were seen at the end of Metroid: Fusion and Metroid: Zero Suit, respectively. Here’s what Sakurai had to say:

“Looking at the number of days we have left for development, it would be an impossible task to create this… That’s what I told my staff. But thanks to the determination of her female designer, these Zero Suit outfits got completed in time. From the ending of Metroid: Zero Mission, here’s Samus in shorts!”

Interesting that Sakurai felt compelled to specify that the designer was one of his female staff members. Personally I would have loved an alt based on her Metroid: Fusion suit. Anyway, news about a videogame characters new outfits. Because videogames.