Scarlet Moon artists brings global music talent to a game near you


Renowned composers from around the globe are now available to work on games both big and small

Scarlet Moon Productions today announced the launch of Scarlet Moon Artists, an artist group dedicated to bringing renowned composers from around the globe to a game near you. Bridging the gap between East and West, the composers come from Japan, Korea, and the United States, and have collectively worked on titles as diverse asFinal Fantasy,Secret of Mana, andRagnarok OnlinetoOtomedius,Tekken Tag Tournament, andTransformers: The Movie (1986).

Each of the nine artists wants to work with developers both big and small in order to bring their signature soundscapes to a global audience. Scarlet Moon Artists gives developers access to some of the biggest names game music has to offer, breaking down language and logistical barriers that would have previously made reaching and working with these artists difficult.

The roster includes (in alphabetical order):

Vince DiCola & Kenny Meriedeth(Rocky IV,SaturdayMorning RPG,Transformers: The Movie)Shinji Hosoe(Mega Man Network Transmission,Ridge Racerseries,Tekken Tag Tournament 2)Hiroki Kikuta(Koudelka,Secret of Mana,Soul Calibur V)Osamu Kubota(Beatmania,Granado Espada)Justin Lassen(Herbert the Misanthropic Fly,Otomedius Excllent,Synaethesia)Goomin Nam(Bar Oasisseries,Monarch: Heroes of a New Age,TalesWeaver)Dale North(Dragon Fantasy Book II, OverClocked ReMix contributions,Silent Horror)Jinbae Park(PangYa Portable,Ragnarok Online,Ridge Racer 7)Hitoshi Sakimoto(Final Fantasy XII,Gradius V,Valkyria Chroniclesseries)

“Having been a fan of some of these artists since my early childhood, you can imagine my excitement at the prospect of finding them new and exciting projects to contribute to,” comments Scarlet Moon Productions founder Jayson Napolitano. “In that sense, Scarlet Moon Artists serves the established fan-bases of each of these artists in addition to the artists themselves, as I know many game music enthusiasts, myself included, would love to hear more of their music in games!”

Scarlet Moon Artists has launched an a website with streaming music samples from each artist. There’s also a contact form where interested parties can inquire about a specific composer’s availability for work on a project:

Scarlet Moon Artists Official Website