Set aside some time for Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap in April


Also think about investing in clones

As if it weren’t obvious enough already, it’s going to be tough if not impossible to keep up with all the Good Games coming out this year. I mean, yes, it has always been a challenge to give everything that catches your attention even a cursory look, but I typically make it further into the year before the too-many-games realization overwhelms me and I retreat back to my comfort-food favorites.

Not this year, though. 2017 just isn’t messing around, and I couldn’t be happier.

One game I’m very much looking forward to is the gorgeously drawn Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap and, as of today, we know when to pencil it in for: April 18, 2017. That’s when it’ll pop up on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. After that, a PC version will follow this spring.

A fun tidbit that you may not have seen: this remake accepts the Sega Master System codes.