Shadow of War's Desolation of Mordor DLC is a new rogue-like campaign


Here’s the first cinematic

The sun is nearly ready to set on Middle-earth: Shadow of War. On May 8, the Desolation of Mordoradd-on releases and that marks the end of WB’s DLC roadmap. Here’s a cinematic trailer with brothers Baranor and Serka speaking in a lot of Tolkien-isms.

Of Shadow of War‘s four add-ons, Desolation of Mordorseems like the most ambitious. It features Baranor as he tries to take the Marauder fortress Shindram without the supernatural assistance of the Ring. More interesting, this campaign is described as a “rogue-like” mode. WB hasn’t really explained what this means. It likely has to do with the way death impacts progress. We’ll have to wait to see how this fits into the framework of Shadow of War.

Desolation of Mordoris also the most ambitiously-priced DLC. It’ll cost $20 to see the rogue Baranor through on his rogue-like conquest of Shindram.