Shadow Warrior 2's Lo Wang needs to avenge that bunny's death


Hare’s a 15-minute gameplay video

I have only watched this 15-minute video of the beginning of Shadow Warrior 2, and I am already emotionally invested. That’s because some dickhead picked up a bunny mid-hump and chucked him at a car. Now that bunny is dead and I am sad. I’m a sucker for the cute and cuddly type.

The only acceptable revenge will be for protagonist Lo Wang to kill everything that’s not cute and cuddly. I’m not sure those are his exact motivations, but they’re my motivations. I can ignore the entirety of the narrative and commit demon genocide in honor of the fallen Bunnicula if I want. That’s how video games work.

We’ll soon learn how Wang’s next murder spree turned out. Reviews will be posted early on the morning of Shadow Warrior 2‘s October 13 release. However, there’s no restriction on streams, videos, or other kinds of footage which is how we end up with this grisly gameplay clip.