Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne is available on PlayStation Network today


Holy Matador!

[Update: It’s up now! $9.99. Go, go, go!]

I laughed hard at the featured comment yesterday on our story on the mystery game that Atlus would be bringing to the PlayStation Network today. Why? Because Destructoid community member Perro was dead on. Thanks, ESRB!

That’s right: Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne is coming to PSN today. This PS2 is RPG my favorite Shin Megami Tensei game, even over all the Persona games. It’s also the game I cram down new SMT fans’ throats — it’s too good to miss. I think it’s wonderful that this once rare game can now be shared with everyone as a download.

I think an equally awesome game from the Atlus library may be coming up soon. Stay tuned!