Smash Ultimate just added another currency micro-DLC for Switch Online subscribers


3000 SP and more

So this is a fairly breezy PSA: there’s more Smash Ultimate free DLC. But there’s caveats!

I’ll get the big one out of the way first: you need to be a Switch Online subscriber. I get that a lot of people are probably lapsed subscribers at this point, especially if you don’t play Smashor Mario Kartonline and have grown tired of the NES and SNES offerings. I don’t blame you, Nintendo has been really slow-going in terms of actually justifying its subscription, in spite of the lower cost.

Next caveat: it’s just a handful of free currency that you might not use anyway unless you’re a hardcore Smash Ultimateplayer. Meet those two requirements? Okay, you’re in! As officially announced on Twitter, players can pick up another Spirit pack now as free DLC. It’ll sport five large snacks (for your spirits), 30 medium snacks, 100 small snacks and 3000 SP.

You can download it directly from the Smash UltimateDLC section on your Switch, or here.

Smash Bros. [Twitter]