Snazzy, splashy looks at all of LawBreakers classes


I can’t (en)force(r) you to watch them

For weeks now, LawBreakersdeveloper Boss Key has been rolling out stylish and short introduction videos for all of the game’s different classes. That concluded today, as the last clip was finally revealed. Let’s take a look at everyone involved — those upholding the law, and those determined to break it.

These videos serve as fine first looks at all of the classes, but they’re probably old hat for anyone who has been in the closed alphas. Getting to actually play is the only way to know which ones you prefer (I roll as the Enforcer). If you missed that, well, seems like you’re out of luck for a while. LawBreakerslead Cliff Bleszinski said that this past weekend was the last public playtesting session for a while.

But hey, at least you have these videos.