Sonic Lost World's 'aggressive' language is exactly that


‘I’m going to skin you alive’ is a thing someone will say

It wasn’t terribly long ago that we got regular laughs out of Entertainment Software Board ratings. When reading a summary of a videogame mostly free of context, silliness is bound to crop up. The rating for Sonic Lost World has gotten some attention for a different reason:

During gameplay, characters sometimes use aggressive language (e.g., “You’re going home in a box,” ‘I’m going to skin you alive,’ and ‘I long for death’s cold embrace.’). Cutscenes also depict laser fire and explosions, as well as dialogue that references violence (e.g., “I’ll get fat from eating your black hearts,” “One second you’re contemplating genocide,” and “As long as I can still strangle a Zeti, my hands are fine.”).

This, in a game where an anthropomorphic hedgehog runs through a world with floating donuts. Clearly, I’ve been out of the Sonic loop for far too long.

[Via NeoGAF]