Sony expected to reveal its virtual-reality headset next week


Presumably during the ‘Driving the Future of Innovation’ talk on Tuesday

Sources familiar with Sony’s virtual-reality headset believe the company will showcase the device next week during the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco, reports Edge.

A prototype is reportedly in the hands of some third-party developers. These sources have described the VR headset as being superior to earlier versions of its main competition, the Oculus Rift, which isn’t saying much — Oculus VR itself has made advancements with its newer models.

Regardless, having multiple companies invested in making this whole virtual reality thing finally pan out — whether it be Sony, or Oculus, or Valve — is good for the field. As far as this supposed GDC reveal goes, however, it sounds like there’s not much in the way of software yet. You don’t say…

Sony’s VR tech will be revealed at GDC – and it represents virtual reality gaming’s greatest hope [Edge]