Sony has pushed Horizon Zero Dawn back to early 2017


And a meet and greet with Aloy

The post-apocalyptic future will have to wait a bit longer — at least, Guerrilla Games’ take on it. Sony announced this morning that the PlayStation 4 exclusive Horizon Zero Dawnhas been delayed until February 28, 2017. It was originally scheduled to release sometime before year’s end.

Guerrilla Games’ managing director Hermen Hulst commented on the delay, saying “As you can see in the trailer, we’ve decided to push the release date for Horizon Zero Dawn to February 28, 2017. It wasn’t an easy choice to make; we know many of you have been anxious to play the game since we first announced it. However, we also want to ensure that Horizon Zero Dawn lives up to the visuals and gameplay quality that our games are known for. The new date affords us the extra time required to deliver fully on our ambitious vision for Horizon Zero Dawn.”

However, the delay doesn’t mean Horizon Zero Dawnwill be pushed out of the spotlight. In the lead-up to E3, Sony has draped a giant poster over a building in downtown Los Angeles. It’s expected to very much be a part of Sony’s press conference as it’s still one of the biggest games in the PlayStation lineup. Its vibrant take on a Technozoid-ravaged future looks to be a nice direction; another game tried that years ago, and it turned out just superbly.

Horizon Zero Dawn: New Trailer, New Release Date [PlayStation Blog]