Sony: PS4 could significantly exceed PS3 lifetime sales


Lower price and new markets to broaden console’s reach

The Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 have each sold in excess of 80 million units worldwide to date. For Microsoft, reeling off the GameCubian sales of the original Xbox, that’s good. Somewhere in a galaxy far, far away Master Chief is doing a little jig. Or twerking. Yeah, that’s the ticket.

Sony, on the other hand, is probably not quite as stoked about that figure. Despite producing a lovely piece of machinery, the company failed to replicate the runaway success of the PS2. But that was last generation, and Sony is looking to the future.

Speaking withMCV, Sony Computer Entertainment president and Group CEO Andrew House says PS4 aims to outsell PS3.

“It has an opportunity to significantly exceed what we’ve been able to achieve with PS3 and there’s a couple of reasons for that,” House toldMCV. “We start off with a price point that is much more consumer friendly than was there for the PS3.”

“Also, one of the success stories for the business as a whole has been our ability to open up new geographies for video games over the last five years. You are seeing opportunities for new markets that we haven’t tapped into,” House said, adding the device’s full suite of non-game entertainment services would be “crucial in broadening what the console’s reach.”

While House noted that this is a marathon, rather than a sprint, the PS4 seems to be off to a good start with over 2.1 million salesacross the Americas and Europe.

PS4 will beat PS3 lifetime sales, says Sony boss [MCV]