Soul Saga takes a page from classic JPRGs of yesteryear


Old school RPG for Wii U, Vita, PS4, and PC

Soul Saga: Episode 1is one man’s dream to bring back the samekind of anime-inspired, JRPG goodness that made the SNES and PlayStation 1 eras so memorable.

Touted as a “love letter to JRPG classics” like Final Fantasy; Breath of Fire; Suikoden; and Persona, the recently funded Kickstarter campaign — currently targeted for a mid-2014 release — might just scratch that nostalgic itch if everything comes to fruition for this quaint little indie title from Mike Gale.

With 14 days left, Soul Sagahas already smashed its base goal of $60,000 and should easily reach its next stretch goal of $100,000 that will bring airship combat ala Dreamcast RPG Skies of Arcadia.Current completed stretch goals have already added full voice acting (check out the video for a taste, complete with kick ass J-Pop theme song) and support for Vita, PS4, and Wii U.

Will Soul Saga be everything it promises to be? Who really knows? What I do know though, is that it’s caught my attention and seems to be fueled by the same love and passion that has me here writing this article so early in the morning. And that’s gotta count for something.

Soul Saga! A J-RPG inspired by Playstation classics.[Kickstarter]