Space Corgi! Action RPG Chrono Rider coming to PC, Vita, PS4 and Wii U



Chrono Rider is a 2D action RPG with gameplay inspired by 16-bit classics. Its early-access beta starts later this year, followed by a full release in March 2015. This game mixes action/platforming and RPG elements with time travel concepts.And it’s about a corgi.

Chrono Rider‘s hero, Captain Corgi, can travel through time and space, just as any good corgi should be able to. He has a space suit, of course. Oh, and a jet pack. Corgi can pilot spaceships and mechs, too. That’s all great, but they had me at corgi.

Two-person dev team Korion Studios launched a Kickstarter for Chrono Rider that is currently fully funded with six days to go. It sounds like they’re aiming to show off their work at PAX in San Antonio.