Square Enix is promising us a new look at the Final Fantasy VII Remake this week


Don’t forget we also get to see Shinra

The time has come to put up or shut up with theFinal Fantasy VII Remake. After years of waiting to find out what the hell the thing even was, we finally got the gist: we’re getting a “part one” early next year, and it’ll primarily deal with an expanded Midgar.

It was pretty much all we needed to know after eons of rumors that the game was being split up into “parts,” and for the most part, I’m good with that until the game actually gets here. But this is Square Enix we’re talking about: they spent forever prepping this remake and by God we’re going to hear all about it in the months leading up to launch.

Part of that drip-feed marketing scheme includes more info on Shinra this week at TGS, which might be lumped into the below announcement of a new trailer. Yep! A new trailer is going to debut at TGS sometime after September 12, straight from the mouth of the game’s director, Tetsuya Nomura.

Again, I’m ready. It’ll be nice to see what the ancillary cast members look like, but the only thing on my mind right now is when the rest of the remake is going to hit. Square Enix previously noted that they wouldn’t take half a decade each, but I’d like some specifics!

“We haven’t revealed anything about #FF7R for a while, but will soon be unveiling a new trailer to go with #TGS2019, being held from the 12th of September.” – Tetsuya Nomura

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— FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE (@finalfantasyvii) September 10, 2019