Square explains why there's no Final Fantasy XIV for Xbox


Unable to share servers cross-platform

Microsoft’s policies for Xbox Live are the reason there isn’t an Xbox 360 or Xbox One version of Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn, director Naoki Yoshida tells RPG Site. “The main reason from our side is that I don’t want the community to be divided; to be split into two or more,” he said.

“For example, one player might be on the PC version, another might be on the PS4 version, and I’m playing the Xbox version — but we’re not able to join the same game servers. That is just … I just don’t like the idea. I disagree with it. To be frankly honest with you, there are now so many mobile devices, smart phones, everything — why would you ever just stick to one platform from the hardware aspect? Just — make it open to everyone? That’s my opinion.”

And while Microsoft obviously has its reason for closing off the platform, this is a shame for players knowing how well A Realm Reborn is shaping up. “I would love for as many players as possible to enjoy the game worldwide, so from a business point of view it could make sense to have it on the Xbox platforms,” explained Yoshida. “But as I mentioned earlier, that would bring about the tragedy that somebody might have to give up their existing character. Then players might get frustrated, and then they ask us — ‘Square Enix, can’t you do something?’ and then… yeah. Unless that happens, we can’t really do anything.”

FF14 Director: A Realm Reborn skipping Xbox is still down to Microsoft [RPG Site]