Star Wars Battlefront 33% off on Origin as Force Awakens nears


It’s totally selling well, says EA

What will you be doing this weekend? EA is hoping some of you will watch Star Wars: The Force Awakens and then follow the hype train straight to Star Wars Battlefront. From now until December 21 at 10 AM Pacific, both the Standard and Deluxe Editions of Battlefront for the PC are on sale for 33% off.

The expensive, aka Ultimate Edition (bundling everything along with the Season Pass) is discounted by only 25% off, which sort of makes sense since the Season Pass is still at full price with the first DLC pack still a ways off.

Will the price drop tempt PC gamers on the sideline? We’re not sure, but this deal does match a Battlefront sale GameStop was already running last week, and from the tiny fraction of sales numbers we can see, the game did OK at $40.

Perhaps the movie release will lift the server population in the near term, or perhaps we’ll be back in a few months with another Battlefront deal post. Tune in next time!