Stick it to the Man! creator hid alpha for new game in Zombie Vikings


How to access it and gameplay here

Stick it to the Man!and Zombie Vikings developer Zoink! is already working on a new game simply called FE, and you can play it right now if you own Zombie Vikings.

The above video shows how to access the hidden FElevel via an Easter egg involving luring an enemy to a specific area. The FElevel can then be selected from the overworld map at any time.

FEis a large departure from the style Zoink! has used so far, as it looks to be a mixture of 3D platformer mixed with stealth gameplay. I’m guessing the thing you control is aflyinglizard or squirrel. Looks pretty cool either way, though I think the developer should have finishedZombie Vikingsbefore it started on another game, but what do I know, I just write about games.

Check out a bit more of the level here. No details on FEhave been released by Zoink! thus far, only a placeholder website with a mailing list signup.