Strategy RPG X-Tactics is from Capcom, Square and Sega vets


Gamkin announces urban tactical RPG entitled X-Tactics

X-Tactics is an upcoming strategy role-playing game from Gamkin, a small Japanese indie studio formed by industry veterans from Square Enix, Capcom and Sega.

It sounds pretty unique, too, harnessing GPS data to implement location-based treasure hunts and multiplayer events. Gamkin also plans to make use of local weather data, day and night cycles, and moon phases to enhance the experience somehow.

In development for iOS, Android, Kindle, PC, Mac, and Google Glass of all things; X-Tactics draws inspiration from titles like Valkyria Chronicles and Street Fighter, blending in fighting game elements into what its creators call an “urban tactical RPG.”

Gamkin is currently seeking to raise $10,000 for the project via crowdfunding platform Indiegogo.

X-Tactics, Urban Tactical RPG [Indiegogo]