Streets of Rage 3D Classic will come with a new mode


‘One Hit Deathblow Mode’

Sega is keeping the 3DS Classic train rolling, and in Japan, Streets of Rage will hit the 3DS on August 21st. This isn’t a straight port though, as it’ll add a “One hit Deathblow Mode” to the game, which allows players to kill enemies in, well, one hit. This is on top of co-op support and button re-mapping.

I have no problem with ports in general, but I really appreciate it when developers add small little extras like this. I don’t think I’d ever use this mode in particular, but it’s no secret that millions of gamers out there already own a number of retro ports, so putting a little extra icing on the top is an easy way to encourage a double-dip.

Streets of Rage [Siliconera]