Sup Holmes rides the pram with Kat and Eric from Klobit


Sup Holmes every Sunday at 4pm EST!

[Sup Holmes is a weekly talk show for people that make great videogames. It airs live every Sunday at 4pm EST onYouTube, and can be found in Podcast form onLibsynandiTunes.]

[Update: Shows over, guys! Be sure to check out Capsule Force when it’s released next week. In the meantime, here’s a fun trailer!]

Today on Sup Holmes we’re happy to welcome Kat and Eric Wenske of Klobit Studios (Capsule Force) to the program. In their new game, scheduled to land of PS4 and Steam early next week, you play as a character who looks like a baby with amazing hair who can shoot an arm cannon, avoid obstacles, ride a tram, and fight with friends. Weirdly enough, I happen to know a real life baby with amazing hair in who enjoys doing three out of four of those things. If we’re lucky, he may even make a cameo in today’s episode.

The show starts at 4pm EST! We’d love to see you there.