Sup Holmes treasures cults with Jools Watsham


Get to know the people that make great videogames

Today on Sup Holmes, we welcome back Jools Watsham of Renegade Kid to the program. Since we last spoke with Jools, he’s seen the meteoric success of Mutant Mudds on the 3DS, released a puzzle game about monkeys, put out his first Wii U game, written of the troubles with Steam Greenlight, and announced a first-person horror series (Cult County) and a multiplayer platformer (Treasurenauts) both for the 3DS. This man — he knows how to work it.

We’ll be talking to Jools about that, his continued support for Nintendo consoles, his thoughts on the Wii U/PS4/Xbox One, the potential for a sequel to Moon, and whatever he wants to talk about. Join us at 1pm PST/4pm EST for to witness a real time conversation! About videogames!