Super Mario Odyssey runs at 900p when docked, 720p for portable


And a near-rock solid 60 fps everywhere

With Super Mario Odysseyabout a month away, it’s time to have a talk about the technical side of things. Digital Foundry did just that at a recent preview event by breaking down how the game performs in its various states of play.

Though the 10-minute video meticulously details all the different tech stuffs, the big takeaway is that Super Mario Odysseyruns at 900p (1600×900) when it’s docked, and at 720p (1280×720) when it’s in portable mode. As Digital Foundry points out, Nintendo seems to target native 720p for Switch games and then it works up from there.

Maybe more important than the resolution is that Odysseyreportedly maintains 60 frames per second across most gameplay scenarios — both when docked and in portable mode. Early missions with tutorial prompts cause minor drops but Digital Foundry mentions that it’s tough to notice. There’s also a photo mode that’s locked to 30fps, seemingly so it can better render objects in the distance.

There are a few other predictable enhancements when the Switch is docked. There’s less aliasing, better shadows — those sorts of things. But the big takeaway is that Super Mario Odyssey‘s performanceseems to deliver no matter how it’s played.