Super Robot Wars 30 revealed during Japanese Nintendo Direct


God bless the lack of region lock

Whenever there is a Nintendo Direct, be it at E3 or any other time of the year, it’s always wise to check out the trailers from the Japanese version of the stream. Chances are, Nintendo Japan will have one or two games that didn’t show up in the other versions. For E3 2021, there are a couple of titles we missed in the Nintendo of America stream, including something called Worth Life and another one of those Power Pro Kun baseball games. Both of those are well and good, but the announcement I think our audience will appreciate most is the one regarding the Super Robot Wars franchise. A new one is on the way, and judging by the looks of this Super Robot Wars 30 trailer, it looks fantastic.

No word on an official western release yet, but past entries in the franchise have been localized to English when releasing to other Asian countries outside of Japan.