Surgeon Simulator: Anniversary Edition comes to PS4 August 13


Fresh innards

A secret about me: I’m scared of hospitals. I have a really hard time going into one. I can’t see people being treated, or worse, on a stretcher. Needles and equipment scare me. I can’t even watch medical dramas on television. It’s a problem. While I’ve cut plenty of folks up in Atlus’ Trauma Center games, I’m kind of scared to jump into Surgeon Simulator.

This new trailer for upcoming PS4 release Surgeon Simulator: Anniversary Edition makes it seem a bit less scary, and that’s mostly because it’s pretty funny.

Surgeon Simulator: Anniversary Edition comes to PS4 on August 13 (August 14 in Europe), complete with new teeth and eye operations, priced at$12.99 / €10.99 / £8.99.

I was fine until I saw the eye nerves and stuff. You’ll see. BUT BOB WON’T.