Talos Principle pirates trapped in eternal elevator


Once you walk in, you never walk out

You bought a new game and within minutes you encounter a bug where you enter an elevator and it eternally loops with no way to escape. What do you do? You obviously go and complain about it to the developers, right? Maybe not, because The Talos Principle is the latest in a long line of games to add features to the game that highlight who is and is not pirating it.

Early in The Talos Principle players will come across an elevator. Players who purchased the game will be brought to the next area of the game, while pirates will be locked in the elevator for all of eternity.

Interestingly, this is not the first time developer Croteam have done something like this. Players who pirated Serious Sam 3: BFE would be met with an immortal, high speed, rifle armed giant scorpion that would hunt them throughout the game. It’s certainly an interesting way to deal with piracy.

Pirating ‘The Talos Principle’ Will Trap You in an Elevator [NeoGAF]