Team Fortress 2sdays: Comic Fortress


Shooty, shooty, pow, pow

Happy Tuesday!

Welcome to Team Fortress 2sdays, where every week a bunch of Dtoider’s get together, shoot each other in the face and generally have a good time.

Shadow is here with an update, take it away Shadow,

What does a necklace of ears, Australians acting French and the sunken lost country of New Zealand have in common? I’ll give you a hint, and it has to do with the world’s greatest war themed hat simulator. While Valve is great at making games I wouldn’t complain one bit if they started making a regular series of comics about the TF2 universe. If you haven’t already, feel free to check out all the TF2 comics so far, they are actually pretty great.

On a different note, congratulations to Mr. Andy Dixon, Occams and Wrenchfarm on their promotions within Destructoid. You guys have earned it!

As always, if you have any questions comments or concerns, feel free to drop a comment below or get a hold of one of the admins.

To continue with what Shadow said, a big congrats to Ocamms, Wrenchfarm and Andy. It’ll be awesome to have Ocamms helping out with the customer service / support side of things and I know Wrench will quickly become one of the fan favorites here on the FP.

So what is TF2sday?

Every Tuesday, a ton of folks from all across Destructoid hop on to the community server to play, talk, and shoot each other. It’s usually a pretty crazy good time, and almost always involves various melee only matches between a handful of classes. So feel free to jump on and join us sometime!

New to TF2sday?

Don’t worry, you’re not alone! Any and all Dtoiders are welcome, so please don’t be shy. If there is ever something wrong, or if you need to contact one of the server admins, please see below, all admin names and links to their Steam profile is listed.


Shadow2398(Hank Hill)SwishieeDF(DoomsDayForte)Fasio_Vita

Server Information:IP: Port:27015

Early Match:5pm Pacific | 8pm EasternLate Match:9pm Pacific | 12am Eastern

Map List


Now with more maps!

plr_panickoth_traingridkoth_wubwubwub(Caution: This map contains flashing lights, like no other!)

Hope to see you all there!