Tesla Effect looks just like good old Tex Murphy


San Francisco’s future PI is back again

When the news of a Tex Murphy Kickstarter broke it seemed that we might finally get an answer to what happened to the titular detective at the end of the last game in the franchise, Overseer. It’s taken 15 years but we’ll find out in Tesla Effect — or you could watch this lengthy trailer and find out right now.

The plot seems to carry the usual mix of sci-fi noir in 2050s New San Francisco (c’mon, shouldn’t that be Neo-San Francisco?) with dashes of mad scientists, cyberpunk Pharaohs and Tex’s trademark tongue-in-cheek humor. What’s interesting is that instead of continuing the franchise’s point-and-click roots, there’s a new 3D engine that allows your to control Tex directly.

It’s a bold move for an unashamedly nostalgic project that could have easily just recreated the games from the ’90s and left fans happy with that. Tesla Effect is scheduled for a Q1 release in 2014 so I guess we’ll find out how well that change works out then.