That Dragon, Cancer coming to that console, Ouya


Ouya helping fund development, game expected 2014

That Dragon, Cancer will be coming to the Ouya in 2014. According to the game’s website, “Ouya has chosen to invest in the game to assist with development costs and ensure our game gets made,” which no doubt was a good incentive for the two person indie team that is still living on its savings. The heartrending game is an autobiographical tale of writer Amy Green and developer Ryan Green dealing with their young son’s terminal cancer.

On a more philosophical level, That Dragon, Cancer‘s Ryan Green has said that they want to, “create a safe space for people to talk about hard thing,” and that the living room is a perfect place for it. As for why they are releasing it first on the Ouya, specifically, Green said, the short answer is, they have the guts to make something they believe in, in an industry that is stacked against their success.”

It’s a nice sentiment amidst the negative press the Ouya has received thus far, I suppose. I also have to commend Ouya’s Kellee Santiago for going after the game, according to Gamasutra, and putting some money towards getting it finished. Given the heavy content, I’m not sure it will end up the big seller Ouya seems to need, so it’s to see them committed towards getting all sorts of content up.

That Dragon, Cancer leads a tide of change for Ouya [Gamasutra]