The Dismal Jesters, Virt and Buddy join the cast of Lisa


The cute and disturbing RPG has new guests

Lisa (the painful, boundary-pushing RPG) really sparked conversation when we posted about it last week. It seems to have picked up quite a few supporters since then as well. As of Thanksgiving, the game has been fully funded and has moved on stretch goals. The first is for additional content starring Buddy — the last woman alive. Should the game reach $10K, we’ll be graced with the opportunity to play as Buddy as she works to discover the events that caused Lisa‘s world to transform into the disgusting, dismal, disturbing place that it has become.

Speaking of dismal, I’m proud to announce that Jim Sterling, Conrad Zimmerman and I will all be appearing in the game as NPCs. We’ll be located in a place called Dismal Island, which will probably be a terrible place. From the looks of those silhouettes, we’ll be joined by at least two other fixtures from our feel-bad comedy/videogame podcast. My bet is on Freaky Constantina and Willem Dafoe, but your guess is as good as mine. Other than what I learned from playing the demo, I don’t have any inside info about Austin’s plans for the game, and I want to keep it that way. I’d like to be as surprised as the rest of you the first time I boot it up.

I’m particularly excited to discover what Jake “Virt” Kaufman will be bringing to the table. While Lisa‘s creator/programmer/artist will be providing most of the game’s soundtrack, Jake has signed on to contribute music to the game in some capacity. What started as a small passion project from a professional martial artist is slowly turning into a star-studded extravaganza. Just goes to show what’s possible when you’re unashamed of your weird ideas, and are willing to put time and effort into making them a reality.