The Dtoid community's best blogs of February 2015


Promoted from our Community Blogs

[The Cblog Recap team’s roundup of the best community blogs returns with a fresh coat of paint and an easier reading format. If you want even more granular data, be sure to check out the sister post, Luna Sy’s community blog analytics. To be a part of this stunning community, try starting your own blog today! -Striderhoang]

A wave of exhaustion hit me as I prepared to assemble the February Cblog recap and within my dreams the community blogs became a sprawling open-world city. The avatars and personas of the bloggers here at Destructoid came to life and occupied it.

In Cblog City, many of the avatars do battle. TheKodu challenged Zombie Orwell to a battle of wits. Bad idea since zombies love brains. Thankfully, Zombie Orwell does not find fairies all that filling and let me be. I also found TheDustinThomas by the city docks where he was suplexing dolphins.

Then I flew back into the city and found StriderHoang as, well, Strider and Nanashi as Travis Touchdown. They were dueling on the city hall rooftop. Let’s just say there was a lot of Wiimote waggle on Nanashi’s side of it and he couldn’t break Strider’s defenses. It was fun to watch. Also, Dreamweaver ran by as Gumball and Luna Sy tried to catch him in a Poké Ball.

Later I found myself with ShadeOfLight and Meanderbot under a tree drinking root beer.

I guess that was my brain’s way of telling me what the recap team also knew — February was a very productive month for the cblogs and the cblog community has energy to spare. We actually had slightly more activity in February than January and many more promoted blogs. Whether it’s Monthly Musings, Band of Bloggers, trends the community invents, or topics you come up with on your own, it’s often done with enthusiasm.

Sadly, I don’t think January’s recap was condensed as well as it could have been and with more content from February, we’ve had to change the format to monthly recaps substantially and make some cuts to eliminate bulk and repetition. I’m going to explain the changes as we go.

– Pixielated

Promoted Blogs

This is a simple listing of all promoted blogs.

Gush about things you love this monthby Luna SyComments of the Week: Rhyme for Reasonsby DreamweaverMonthly Musing: I Love Arcadesby LuckRequired*How historically accurate is Skyrim? Part 4by RedHeadPeakVideogames and military recruitment: Part 1by The Scholarly GamerKickstarter launched for spiritual successor to EarthBound, Mach Rider, Sim Earthby It’s About To Get Gay In HereI made my own gaming magazine and I need feedback!byCaspian WhistlerThe Dtoid community’s best blogs of January 2015by CblogRecapsDisabled Gaming: The time of the Wheelchair Warrior Comesby Claire SharkeyComments of the Week: Oh, dream maker.. you heart breakerby DreamweaverIt’s not Game Over if you select Continueby TadYear of the Goat: goats/sheep/rams in videogamesby Luna SyComments of the Week: Number five has arrived!by DreamweaverDestructoid Forums: The Diabolical Truthby OrlionBinding of Isaac: 10 tips for making The Lost playthrough easierby Corduroy Turtle**How historically accurate is Skyrim? Part 5by RedHeadPeak**Comments of the Week: Better check the clock…by Dreamweaver

*Originally published in January**Promoted in March

Monthly Musings:“I Love…”

Since musings, Band of Bloggers, and meme-like trending topics are one-shot topics of a common subject, we’re alphabetizing each contribution by user and linking their submission. For Monthly Musings click the blogger’s subject; in other sections, just click on their name.

Nicole Watterson(Dreamweaver, NSFW)Super Mario Galaxy(GoofierBrute)Arcades(LuckRequired, Promoted)Imagination(Riobux)Shadow of the Colossus(Scrustle)Shoji Meguro(SeymourDuncan17)Wasting money(The Drunken Crow)

Band of Bloggers:Fallout 3/New Vegas

DreamweaverFenriffLuckRequiredNanashiRetrofractionRiobuxThe Scholarly Gamer

ReadBand of Bloggers: The Wasteland Recapfor a more detailed summary.

Dtoid 9th Anniversary:9 Dtoiders

BrowneyeWinkin*CaltySlitorousChistClaire SharkeyCorduroy Turtle*El DangoFullmetalJGajKnightGlowBear*GoofierBruteLuckRequiredMarche100*Mighty Hatman*Mix*NanashiNic RowenPanzadolphin56RetrofractionSeymourDuncan17,ShadeOfLightStriderHoangTheDefenestratorThe Scholarly GamerZyk

*Forum postfrom this thread:Dtoid’s 9thanniversary thread: Birthday time is here again!

Recap Team Favorites

Here is where our Topsauce gloryhogs go. Maybe one recapper Topsauced someone more than once, or the blog was a favorite between recappers. Either way, we put them here I’ll add a bit of context to why each are here in brief paragraph form.

Keeping this all rather alphabetical,Badbadleeroybrowndid a scary thing — he sold his entire game collectionand explains how he did it. It was for a good cause though; he wants to teach English in Vietnam!

Bardleyhas been serving up somevideogamead nostalgiathis month, ranging from the early 1980s to the mid-’90s with the SNES! He also told us that he fell forMjoll the LionessinSkyrim. D’aww.

Calty Slitorousgave us a near-Let’s Play sort of blog with his experiences withNihilumbra. Nanashi quite enjoyed that! He alsotried out the PC gaming life, which apparently didn’t go well.

While many of us were excited about the release ofThe Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask 3D,Goofierbrutedid a rather brave thing —he talked about why he struggled with the gameand why he’s less fond of it than others are. He was pretty classy about it, too. We put the torches and pitchforks down.

It’s About To Get Gay In Herebrought us his usual brand of humor, this time pertaining toMaddenplaycallingandNintendo’s social media problems. ThenJoyfulSanityreviewed aBacon Club Cheeseburger!

Luna Sycouldn’t stop watchingGame Center CXand brought us another installment ofGoogle Playgiarism. That really wasn’tStreet Fighter IVat all.

Nihilbeganinterviewing Dtoiders about their jobs. One such guy was prettywry.

Our resident resplendent black grandmother,Occams Electric Toothbrush,discussed the future of Monthly Musingsand shared some thingslining the shelves at home.

Before birthing the latest cblog trend,OpiumHerzopened an amiibo dealership.

Pedrovay2003sharedsome of his parents’ drawings.

Pixielatedhad agendas. Wait, that’s me.Ihad agendas. For one, I found out I couldgain superpowers by playingLeague of Legends. Then I talked about some feminists that frequently obsess aboutthe male gays andBayonetta. Later, after a hot interview withPrincess Zelda, I learned the power ofBioWare’s panda ringsweren’t at all what I was promised.

Riobuxwrote about why scores seldomfall below 5and offers some ideas on how toimprove reviews.

The Scholarly Gamersang the praises ofDying Light, then ended updebating himselfin regards to hispromoted blog.

SeymourDuncan17has a thing forMidna(maybe NSFW). It wasn’t the humanoid one either. That little impy version of her. He also shared hisfetishes(NSFW). Giantess Chie Satonaka eating people is a thing on the internet. He also talked about videogames though, and showed us some classic videogamepre-rolls! He also told Neiro“We love you, Dtoid, just the way you are.”

Sometimes the less violent the game, the better it is for it.Shibbolethfeels that way aboutOkami. I seem to remember some brown and gold attacks that were rather harsh though.

StriderHoangtalks about hisnew role as community manager assistantand gives us a tour ofthe Destructoid forums!

Last, but certainly not least,Voltechis really feelingXenoblade. Still, similar to Shibboleth, he feels not all gamesneed to be about copious body counts and violence.

Whew. That was a lot. We still have some Topsauce left to cover, though!

The rest of the Topsauce!

These blogs and bloggers only accumulated one mention in Topsauce this month but they’re still some of the best, so enjoy!

Like Riobux,CynricCyninghas his own ideas about how reviews should change, partly bydoing away with decimals in review scores.

Dimmujedsaw some games getting a new lease on life and wonders why we don’t just domore of thatwith other classics.

Mr. Andy Dixonhonors Leonard Nimoy. LLAP.

TheDustinThomasshows off hissweet gaming collection.

Who the heck isJason Faulkner?Welcome new guy!

Pyramid Head might be iconic within Silent Hill, but Forgotten Bastionquite clearly remembers theAbstract Daddy!

Handyfeels theseeight thingsneed to go away in games.

LordSpencerwrites a very nice review forSuper Castlevania IV.

Meanderbotreturns with a comic and enthusiasm forMetro 2033.He likes all those fancy, creative guns it has — so much he does away with discretion after a while.

OverlordZettatalks aboutgaming burnoutand his experience with it. Meanwhile,Roberto Planktonwants to collectall the thingsandRedHeadPeakexplores and discusses themany ways we die in games.

Segastardustlooks atthe weird and sordid history of DDI since Ninjabread Man.SnesTalks talks abouta unique trip to SeattleandSpielerDadadvises us to not spend Valentine’s Day at GameStop.

Tarmacklooks at the problems of promises andPeter Molyneux.

Brittany Vincentalso stopped by the community blogs toto make some hentai suggestionsand Zombie Orwelltold us howDestructoid would end.I guess it’s all over now.

And that’s a wrap!

-The Cblog Recap Team