The Evil Within PC updated with settings for 60 FPS and letterbox removal


Achievements work with the console enabled

Based on everything I’ve heard about The Evil Within, I genuinely do not know if I’ll like the game. It could be one of my favorites this year, but I also wouldn’t be shocked if I ended up hating it, all the same. I’ll continue putting off playing the game as more updates roll out for the PC version.

Today’s update should make some of you happy:

  • Frame lock settings added
  • In settings, you can now toggle between a 30 FPS and 60 FPS cap.
  • Letterbox setting
  • UI toggle to disable the letterbox bars
  • Fixes gameplay issues when running at >30 FPS
  • Fixes for visual issues associated with removing letterbox framing
  • Achievements now work when console is enabled
  • Fix for game starting in windowed mode on first run
  • Minor localization fixes

Granted, you’ll still need a capable PC to handle running The Evil Within smoothly.

Steam Update: The Evil Within [Steam]