The hunt is on for the Lottie amiibo, here is what I found


No need to wait in line

The amiibo season this year is nearly over. Pending the release of the Shovel Knight figure in “Holiday 2015” (which could very easily be pushed), Lottie is the last known toy to be released in 2015, as a Target exclusive. As I’ve said many times I haven’t waited outside of a store in months, but since I had the chance to go hunting with a good friend of mine again, I decided to give hunting Lottie a shot. As it turns out, we were over-prepared.

Pulling up to the Target 20 minutes before opening, there was no one in line — not even people waiting in their cars. A quick food pitstop later and we were walking up to the doors five minutes before, as the first people in line. One person came to join us. Most stores are reportedly carrying “at least” 50 Lottie figures (mine had 52), so you should be good if you get there at opening no matter what, and then some.

There’s plenty of ways to speculate as to how Lottie is so abundant. It stands to reason that the Animal Crossingline simply isn’t as popular in the US, as every figure is still readily available. Plus, Lottie is probably one of the least appealing characters in the entire lineup as it is, and justdebuted with Happy Home Designer. You can also account for the fact that the amiibo craze has died down quite a bit — a good number of my hardcore hunting friends have abandoned the hobby (many of them because of the Wave 4 debacle), and the “usual suspects” I see during some of my hunts were nowhere to be found today.

However you slice it, everyone in other timezones should be more than fine rolling up to your local Target at opening. Just in case, you can check Lottie’s DCPI number (207-03-4011)in Brickseek, which I’ve found to be fairly accurate.

As of now, I have every amiibo figure released to date (I don’t do the cards), including the Dark Skylandervariants, all imports that aren’t out in the US, and Mega Yoshi, partially due to some great friends and readers looking out for me. It’s been a wild one year ride.

For a list of what’s to come, check out this page.