The latest Counter-Strike: GO update is for spectators


More resources to improve your skills

If you dig Dota 2‘s in-game spectator options, you’re going to want to revisit Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. This week’s update adds the WATCH menu, which is where you can view live streams featuring high-ranked members of the CS community, download and watch your recent matches, and review your personal competitive history.

A worthwhile addition to a game I’m glad to see receive continued support, both from its developers and also players who have stuck with it. While you’re in the Counter-Strike mood, the Operation Bravo collection of community-made maps is half price this weekend.

Release Notes for 10/10/2013

[GAMEPLAY]– Improved grenade physics interaction with player models. Grenades bounce off player hitboxes instead of the overall player bounding volume.– Improved bomb-planting player animation to prevent unintentionally standing when the plant completes. (Thanks Friberg!).– Re-added support for alternate firing accuracy. This effectively buffs burst fire on the glock and the famas.

[MAPS]– Fixed minor bugs in cs_siege and de_ruins.

[UI]– Added the WATCH menu— Watch live, in-progress matches played by highly-ranked CS:GO players— Access your match history and review the scoreboard for your previous matches— Download and watch any of your recent matches.— Select ‘GOTV Theater’ to watch a continuous stream of live matches.– Pausing/disabling of the GOTV autodirector has been reverted to the old behavior.– Fixed a bug that allowed you to see the other team’s weapons in a competitive game via the spectator menu if you were the last person to die on your team.– Fixed a case where spectator weapon panel would be missing the weapon in GOTV and demos.– Fixed a case where the code version of the weapon name would show up in the freeze panel.– Fixed the Team Value numbers not switching properly after halftime in GOTV or demo playback.– The bomb icon is now colored in the spectator view so it’s more visible.

[MISC]– Fixed “Bad sequence in GetSequenceName” viewmodel console warnings.