The Nolan films that will be playing in Fortnite this Friday are Inception, Batman Begins or The Prestige


Swear to me this lineup is correct

Hundreds of years ago, The League of Shadows burned London to the ground. Now in 2020, you’re able to watch them on-screen in Fornite. The world is a wild place.

As promised, Fortnitewill be hosting a Christopher Nolan film in-gamethis Friday. While the phrase “film” was used previously, the lineup actually involves three Nolan flicks, but you’ll only see one of them depending on your region. Those three are: Inception, Batman Beginsand The Prestige. All good picks! It’s not like we expected something with a hard-R rating.Oh, and there’s going to be some musical guests too….or something (Diplo Presents: Thomas Wesley, Young Thug and Noah Cyrus).

For reference on all of the big gaming regions: the US will be showing Inception on Friday at 8AM ET, 8PM ET and 11:55PM ET. The UK will see The Prestigeat 12PM ET on that same day. Japan will also host Inceptionon Friday at the same trio of times as the US. Canada will host Prestigeat 12PM ET on Friday.

It’s hard to pick a favorite! Batman Beginsis an easy standalone watch despite being part of a larger series. Inceptionand Prestigeare always fun to rewatch, so you can take in all the little ancillary details. They’re all nearly two and a half hours long either way, so it might be a bit exhausting to see them in a gaming world.

Party Royale [Epic Games]

United States (US) Christopher Nolan Fornitefilm schedule:

  • Inception – Friday, June 26, 2020 – 8:00AM ET
  • Inception – Friday, June 26, 2020 – 8:00PM ET
  • Inception – Friday, June 26, 2020 – 11:55PM ET

Canada Christopher NolanFornitefilm schedule:

  • The Prestige– Friday, June 26, 2020 – 12PM ET

United Kingdom (UK)Christopher NolanFornitefilm schedule:

  • The Prestige– Friday, June 26, 2020 – 12PM ET

Japan Christopher NolanFornitefilm schedule:

    • Inception– Friday, June 26, 2020 – 8:00AM ET
    • Inception– Friday, June 26, 2020 – 8:00PM ET
    • Inception– Friday, June 26, 2020 – 11:55PM ET