The Ori developer's next game will be Zelda-like


And it’s not Ori

The first time was the charm and the second time was also the charm, so there’s no need to go back to the well a third time. At least not yet.

Moon Studios, who’s best-known forOri and the Blind ForestandOri and the Will of the Wisps, isn’t doing the 2D metroidvania thing again for its third game. Late last year,we learnedthrough a job listing that Moon’s next game will be a next-gen 3D action RPG that’s inspired by the likes ofZeldaandDiablo. Now, the developer is starting to talk about it just a little bit.

In an interview withThe Gamer,Orilead artist Daniel van Leeuwen says “The new project we’re working on is a very different project to whatOriis. So for sure we’ll be able to use a lot of things that we weren’t able to use inOri, just because it’s a 3D environment. And we’re aiming for a few years out so yes, we are looking at a lot of these next-gen techniques.”

He continued “I think at Moon we just want to make something that stands out from the crowd, to really drive a strong artistic feeling, and for that we’ll have to utilize a lot of techniques that we haven’t before.”

That probably signals the end of the road forOri, at least for now. Moon’s next game is also breaking free from Xbox exclusivity, as Private Division is publishing it. Microsoft owns the rights toOri, so there’s no chance this action RPG is the evolution of the little woodland creature — unless Moon has enough cash to buy the property.

The metroidvania platformer market was crowded but Oricame along and towered over most everyone else. The action RPG market is in a similar place. There’s no reason to think Moon can’t do it again.

Moon Studios’ Next Project After Ori And The Will Of The Wisps Is A Next-Gen 3D Game [The Gamer]