The 'Pac-Man pair' attempts to break Smash Bros. doubles


Time for a patch!

The honeymoon period for Super Smash Bros.for the 3DS and the Wii U is just about over. Some of the people who said a month ago that it’s the best game ever made are now starting to come out with emotionally charged complaints, like the roster isn’t as good as Project M or Brawl, that it’s a pain to unlock all of the custom moves, that the single player component is lacking, and other niggling gripes.

My thought is that if there is ever a completely perfect Smash Bros. game, then we’ll just have less to look forward to in the inevitable follow up. I love the new Smash, I’m already excited about the next one, which I expect to see in stores sometime in 2021. Hopefully we won’t have to wait that long for Nintendo to patch out this exploit for doubles Pac-Man players, allowing them to use their Up-B to go so far off screen that they can’t be hit by most characters. Ness, Pit, and Mega an could probably tag them with projectiles, and Shulk, Kirby, or Villager might be able to soar high enough to knock their blocks off, but even then, what a pain in the neck!

While this trick may not be as unstoppable as it looks, it’s still a bummer to see these kinds of cheap (but admittedly funny) tactics make their way into the latest Smash. I’ll be awfully sad if this brand of Pac-Man doubles play starts to flood online For Glory battles. That said, if you’re looking for an easy wins in doubles Classic, Master Orders, or Crazy Orders modes, this may be a skill-free way to get ahead.

Smash Bros. Wii U/3DS – Pac-Man bounce exploit[GoNintendo]