The script for the development hell-ridden Uncharted movie is finished


Now, we wait

In 2011, David O. Russell was attached to an Unchartedfilm that started taking shape as a Mark Wahlberg-led “family comedy.” Like most video game productions (and David O. Russell films, honestly), it went on hiatus, but is now back again with a vengeance. Sort of.

According to Joe Carnahan, the film’s writer, the script is now “done and dusted.” He calls the document a “beast” and an “monstrously cool action script,” which only has me worried. Shawn Levy, of Night at the Museum fame, is still set to direct.That has me a little less worried, as he’s attached his name to some decent to stellar stuff in the past, like the watchable but not great Date Night and one of the best films of 2016, Arrival, respectively. There’s hope that it won’t be a flaming bag of poop, is what I’m saying.

It’s crazy that Sony doesn’t do more high quality productions based on their properties. I mean, they’re Sony, they have that distribution arm already in place. But then again, they’ve tried, and it doesn’t always work out.

Carnojoe [Instagram]