These Smash Ultimate invitations are a cute arts and crafts project


They’re pretty easy to make, too

My wife has really gotten me into the art (ha) of arts of crafts over the past decade plus: creating game related stuff only helps motivate me.

These invitations from GandaKris’ NintendoDIY channel are pretty nifty, and I can easily see myself handing these out as actual invitations to a Smash party with friends. The ingredients? Red wax, envelopes, a heat source, polymer clay, a melting spoon, a wood peg and optional Smash Bros.logo pins to help create an easier seal.

The tutorial video is only a few minutes long so if you have a creative itch, this is a fairly simplistic way to scratch it. For those of you who are wondering what these invitations have to do with Smash, Joker got one during the Persona 5DLC reveal and Nintendo also produced them as physical versions of the season pass for Ultimate.

GandaKris [YouTube via Nintendo Life]