Things are out of the order-nary in PS4's The Order: 1886


I’ll tell you how in short order

I’m as interested in The Order: 1886 as I can be for a game I know so little about. I’ve still not seen the PS4 exclusive from the consistently good Ready at Dawn in action, but this recent PlayStation Blog post from Ready at Dawn CEO and Creative Director Ru Weerasuriya talks more about how the team is building up the Victorian world with its own twist.

Of course, the twist talked about here — introducing electricity much earlier than it was readily available — smacks a bit of the recent Dishonored, but I’m willing to let that go. I loved the mix in Dishonored‘s Dunwall and I’m sure I’ll love it here in revisionist London. Advanced weaponry, electricity, patrolling airship sentries. I’m down. I just want to see more.

I guess I’ll continue waiting on details in an orderly fashion.