This BioWare Senior Editor is set to quit games industry for good


“I had a great time at BioWare”

Senior editor, Cameron Harris, will be leaving BioWare – and the whole video game industry – next month.

Harris has been in gaming since 2007 and worked with high-profile companies like Nintendo and Microsoft before joining BioWare to work on games like Dragon Age: Inquisition, Star Wars: The Old Republic, and, most recently, Mass Effect: Andromeda.

She’s also worked on other games you might remember, like Gears of War 3, Guild Wars 2 and Fable: The Journey.

Discussing her decision to quit on Twitter, Harris said that she’s planning to return to Seattle for new opportunities.

I’ve decided to exit the video-game industry to return to Seattle for new opportunities there. I’ll be leaving BioWare in mid-April.

— Cameron Harris (@camharr) March 4, 2016

“I’ve decided to exit the video-game industry to return to Seattle for new opportunities there. I’ll be leaving BioWare in mid-April,” Harris said.“I had a great time at BioWare, working with so many talented, passionate folks. I’m grateful for everything you taught me over the years.I wish all the best for my friends and colleagues at BioWare and across the games industry. You are some of the finest people I know.”

“And to the fans especially: thank you for all of your enthusiasm and support over the past several years while I did this games thang. <3”

Harris is the latest in a line of high profile departures from BioWare which include writers Christopher Schlerf and David Gaider, and director Chris Wynn.

Mass Effect: Andromeda remains scheduled to launch sometime in Q1, 2017.

BioWare senior editor Cameron Harris is leaving the video game industry[Eurogamer]