This is what it costs to fix a broken Nintendo 2DS screen


Tragedy strikes close to home

The Nintendo 2DS is a sturdy little piece of machinery. It eschews the gossamer hinges of its stereoscopic predecessor, and in their place vaunts a strong, unified, monolithic frame. Though abandoning the clamshell design makes the tartine-esque portable far less prone to snapping in two, the alteration invites a whole new array of potential concerns.

Such a catastrophe befell a member of the Destructoid family this week when a young girl dropped her system down a flight of concrete stairs, resulting in a shattered screen. Though the device’s warranty doesn’t cover physical damage, upon inquiry Nintendo of America offered to repair the system for $65 plus an additional shipping and handling fee, which varies by location.

Folks looking to avoid similar misfortune might do well to invest in a protective carrying case or repurpose a Wii remote wrist strap to keep your shiny new Nintendo 2DS safe and well out of harm’s way.

[Sorry, ChillyBilly]