This Summer Games Done Quick Humble Bundle is great


$25 will get you $90 worth of games

Even though most of us are distracted by the Steam Summer sale, you’d be missing out if you passed up on this special Summer Games Done Quick Humble Bundle. Taking its name from the week-long event that’s happening right now, it offers nine great indie titles for just $25.

Included in the bundle are some of my favorites from last year including Gunpoint,Guacamelee, and Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs. Some other standouts are the classic Psychonauts, Electronic Super Joy, and Dustforce.

What’s great is that 100 percent of sales are going towards charity, specifically Medecins Sans Frontieres (Doctors Without Borders), so even if you have a few of these games, I’d still be swayed to buying the whole bundle to help out a good cause.