This year's PAX East 2014 panel and events schedule


Plus the bands that will be performing each night

PAX has released their panel schedule for East 2014 this year, and as usual there’s lots of talks all throughout the show. I don’t know about you, but the last few PAXs have felt pretty, well, dry in terms of panels. Specifically panels and talks straight from actual game studios.

Square is hosting a Murdered: Soul Suspect panel on Friday, the Firaxis panel that promises a sneak peek at their next project on Saturday, a big Titanfall panel that will look at the future of the game (also on Saturday), and Gearbox is doing their usual panel Sunday morning.

That’s about all from the major development houses. Now I’m not saying there aren’t a lot of other interesting looking panels, but what I really thought made PAX special were developers hosting talks right with their community. It’s a shame to see that diminish over the years.

As for the concerts, Friday night sees Bit Brigade, Metroid Metal, and Anamanaguchi performing. Saturday night The Doubleclicks, MC Frontalot, and VGO.