Those limited-time Smash Ultimate Metroid spirits are now permanent


The spirits originally arrived in October 2021

Weren’t able to get the limited-run Smash Ultimate Metroid spirits? Well Nintendo brought them back! Permanently! You can grab them now.

Originally a limited-time October 2021 event called “Spirits of Dread,” the three spirits are now inherently part of the base game, as confirmed by the Super Smash Bros. Twitter account this week. Those spirits included the Samus, E.M.M.I., and Chozo Soldier varieties.

As a reminder, support for Smash Ultimate is officially done in terms of content, following the release of the Sora patch. From here on out the ball is in the community’s court, unless something crazy happens and another Fighter’s Pass is announced. Or, of course, another Smash game comes out. I hope Sakurai gets some rest first!

One of the last things you can unlock in Smash after this set of spirits is the “Dearly Beloved -Swing Version-” song via a Melody of Memory save file.

Smash Ultimate Metroid spirits:

  • Samus
  • E.M.M.I.
  • Chozo Soldier