Those unearthed landfill E.T. cartridges will be sold at auction


Everyone’s getting a piece of this mud pie

Nearly a month after Alamogordo, New Mexico saw the unearthing of the biggest stain on the videogame industry’s past, the city commission had decided to sell 700 of the 1,300 dug-up E.T. cartridges. First though, the city has voted to donate 100 of the cartridges to documentary production companies Lightbox and Fuel Entertainment, with the remaining 500 distributed amongst local museums.

The hope is to create a tourist landmark, not just at the museums that will be preserving the carts, but also at the dig site. The carts were reportedly buried nearly twice as deep as originally thought, making the excavation crews dig 30 feet instead of the expected 18. While the New Mexico space museum is charted with appraising the cartridges, word on how or where to buy them will come at a later date.

Just putting this out there, if any auctioneers want to buy Dtoid HQ’s copy of E.T., I’m sure Niero will be all ears. I mean, just look at how well preserved he kept this thing.

Unearthed E.T. Atari games will be curated by New Mexico space museum then sold [Polygon]