Time and Eternity looks great, and sounds great too


Music by Yuzo Koshiro

Okay, we posted about Time and Eternity a couple months back, and many of you seemed to have reservations. You might have even read a review of the Japanese version over on our sister-site,Japanator. I just came back from playing the game, and was a bit surprised because not only because it’s a stunningly beautiful experience, but also because the music, composed by Yuzo Koshiro (Streets of Rage, Actraiser, Etrian Odyssey) also caught my attention.

I played a bit of the game and found it to be your typical Japanese role-playing game with random encounters that didn’t offer up much of a challenge. However, I was completely enamored with the art and music. Still, I’d let the reviews you’ve already read and likely will read this summer guide your decisions. Personally, I could easily go for a Time and Eternity art book and soundtrack album.