Titanfall: Expedition's Swampland map sure is swampy


Swampy, like your underwear gets in the dead of summer

Had enough Titanfall yet? You’re about to get another dose with Swampland, the final map to be revealed in the Titanfall: Expedition DLC package, the first set of content available for Titanfall. Swampland is exactly what the title implies: a level that I wouldn’t really want to play in any game, let alone Titanfall. A swamp.

But before I go judging it, the concept art makes it look like a much more enticing vision of any swamp I’ve ever seen before, even if it’s all water and trees. And swamplike. Level designer Chris Dionne has an intriguing look at the design process and the machinations behind placing these Titan behemoths into such an area and how it’s evolved over time since its inception. I just can’t wait for the sewer level.

All joking aside, it sure is gorgeous despite its relatively benign setpieces. You can check it out yourself in Titanfall: Expedition when it releases later this month.