Here's a grab bag of headlines and trailers from Tokyo Game Show 2021 Online


Updates from Square Enix, SNK, Kadokawa, and more

This past weekend saw Japan host Tokyo Game Show 2021, once again held in an online capacity as the world continues to adapt to the COVID-19 pandemic. Holding a trade show over the weekend often means that headlines and reveals tend to fall between the cracks of major media outlets, but I thought I’d help all y’all out with this, a short selection of the news, reveals, videos, and updates that rolled out of eastern developers this past weekend.

Let’s get to it. Hope you find something fun!

Tokyo Game Show 2021 recap

It was also announced that Tokyo Game Show 2022 is scheduled to take place September 15-18 2022. Expected to be a hybrid physical/online event, there are currently no specific details as to what form next year’s festivities will take.