Tower of Guns available on Xbox One, PS4, and PS3


Free for PS Plus members for the month of April

If you’re looking for a little something extra special for your current-gen console of choice, I’ve got some exceptionally good news to share with you. The outstanding, previously PC-only FPS roguelike Tower of Guns has launched on the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One this week!

If you haven’t made the leap to current-gen systems yet, not to worry, Terrible Posture Games and Grip Digitalhave also been thoughtful enough to port the title to the PS3 as well. Coincidentally, both PlayStation ports are part of the free games on offer with PlayStation Plus for the month of April; so, if you’re a member, I’d get on that right away.

If you haven’t heard of it before, Tower of Guns is a masterful blending of twitch-based first-person shooting;cavernous,procedurally generated levels; hoards of random enemies to mow down; and gargantuan boss creaturesto square off against.

It’s a challenging game, but one of the best FPS roguelikes I’ve had the pleasure of playing. Don’t just take my word for it, though —Destructoid’s indie aficionado Patrick Hancock reviewed the PC version of the game last year and seemed to enjoy it quite a bit, awarding the title a very respectable 8.5 out of 10.

Tower of Guns is available now on the Xbox One and PlayStation marketplaces for $14.99 and is available for free during the month of April for PlayStation Plus members.